Rafael Ceja Ayala, Ph.D.
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences​​​​​​​
Arizona State University 
Email: rcejaaya@asu.edu​​​​​​​
My name is Rafael Ceja Ayala and I am a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at Arizona State University and will be working under the supervision of my mentor Dr. Malena Español. I will be teaching MAT 265 (Calculus for Engineers I) in Fall 2024. I graduated from the mathematics department at Purdue University with a PhD in Applied Mathematics. I am originally from Mexico but at the age of 14, my family and I moved to a small town in Northern California called Ukiah. I am proud to say that I am a product of hardworking immigrants. 
At Purdue, I worked under the supervision of Dr. Isaac Harris. Before my journey at Purdue, I graduated from California State University, Sacramento where I studied Mathematics, Latin-American Literature and took some Photography courses. 
I have always been passionate about the work that is yet to be done for minoritized students and students of color in mathematics. Through my research and teaching, I hope to make an impact in the mathematics community and also bridge the gap between minorities students and their access to higher education.
Here is a quick link to my Curriculum-Vitae (CV)!
If interested in my photography work click here!
1. I just graduated with my PhD 🥳
3. Invited to speak at the graduate student panel at Career Paths in the Mathematical Sciences.
4. Attended SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference. 
5. I participated in the Future Faculty Diversity Program at Virginia Tech October 2023. 
6. Featured Lathisms mathematician during hispanic heritage month 2023.  
7. Recipient of the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship for Spring 2024.
8. Invited keynote speaker for the Academic Talent Search at Sonoma State University May 2023.
9. I participated in the Pre-Doctoral Scholars program at Oregon State University March 2023.
10. I was featured in the mathematics department as the Mathematics Student Feature for the month March 2023.

Graduate Student Analysis Seminar (on hold)
This semester (Spring 2024) I am organizing the Graduate Student Analysis Seminar, where our mission is to provide a comfortable, safe, and enriching space where graduate students can talk about analysis and other related topics in mathematics. We hope this seminar provides participants with space for open discussion and greater insight into topics that can inspire a further understanding of mathematics. If you would like to give a talk do not hesitate to contact us. 
Send us an email if you would like to give a talk or want to be part of our email list!
Either email Sebastian Muñoz Thon or Rafael Ceja Ayala at smunozth@purdue.edu or rcejaaya@purdue.edu
Basic Skills Workshop
I am also part of the Basic Skills Team in the department of mathematics. The workshop was founded in 2012 as a part of Purdue University's Association for Women in Mathematics by Lidia Mrad to provide workshops to Purdue graduate students providing skills outside the traditional academic setting. We cover topics such as navigating graduate school, teaching, career planning, using technology for professional purposes, etc. Students can register for the Basic Skills Workshop as a one-credit-hour seminar course during the fall and spring semesters.
I am part of the Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate (AGEP) Scholars program and through this program I have been mentoring undergraduate students who are part of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program here at Purdue University. 
LSAMP Purdue Program Mentor: Prinitha Senthil (Computer Science) & Kyndahl Bishop (Mathematics) (Spring 2023)
LSAMP Purdue Program Mentor:  Loahni Hernandez (Fall 2022)
LSAMP Purdue Program Mentor: Jessica Soleto and Gabriel Muzio (Spring 2022) 
LSAMP Purdue Program Mentor: Santiago Lopez and Oliver Bonilla (Fall 2021)
This year I am mentoring an incoming PhD student through the Association of Women in Mathematics chapter at Purdue University. 
B.A. in Mathematics, California State University, Sacramento, 2018
M.S. in Applied Mathematics, Purdue University, 2022
PhD in Applied Mathematics, Purdue University, 2018 -2024
Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow 2024-present
My research interests are in Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations. I work with problems related to transmission eigenvalues and reconstructions of small and extended regions using different areas of Functional Analysis and Scattering Theory. These problems arise in many physical applications such as nondestructive testing and detecting defects in complex structures.
Submitted: "Inverse parameter and shape problem for an isotropic scatterer with two conductivity coefficients". (arXiv:2402.07880) ​​​​​​​
Submitted: A. Alvarado, R. Ceja Ayala, E. Knutsen, and J. Turner ”Investigation of the Collatz Function in the Gaussian and Eisenstein Integers.” 
Accepted in Inverse Problems and Imaging: R. Ceja Ayala, I. Harris, and A. Kleefeld ''Direct sampling method via Landweber iteration for an absorbing scatterer with a conductive boundary''. Inverse Problems and Imaging  DOI:10.3934/ipi.2023051 (arXiv:2305.15310)
Accepted in Applicable Analysis Journal: R. Ceja Ayala, I. Harris, A. Kleefeld, and N.  Pallikarakis ''Analysis of the transmission eigenvalue problem with two conductivity parameters''. Applicable Analysis,  DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2023.2181167 (2023) (arXiv:2209.07247)​​​​​​​
Research Interests: Direct and Inverse Scattering, Transmission Eigenvalue Problems, Inverse and Inverse Problems for PDEs and Numerical Methods.
The figure is a reconstruction using an interpolating polynomial of degree M = 4 of a peanut region by the Landweber direct sampling method. Images left to right: reconstruction using equidistant points, singular values, and Gaussian quadrature points.
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